Consultants Tetra Tech Coffey will survey community organisations, service providers and landowners to better understand potential opportunities and impacts of the Marinus Link interconnector.
The independent survey, known as a Social Impact Assessment (SIA), will take place in February and is a key engagement activity required as part of the project’s design and approvals phase.
Tetra Tech Coffey will invite about 220 community members and Gippsland, Bass Strait and North West Tasmania stakeholders to take part in the survey.
Landowners potentially impacted by the interconnector have been selected at random and are among those who will be invited to complete the survey.
Interviews, which will take up to an hour, will then take place with those who agree to take part. Information kits will be provided to assist participants.
Findings from the SIA and other studies will be made publicly available in late 2023 / early 2024.