Marinus Link Pty Ltd (MLPL) is covered by and complies with TasNetworks’ Privacy Policy and its associated obligations under The Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and the Personal Information Protection Act 2004 (TAS) (PIP Act). The full Privacy Policy is available here: Privacy Policy (

MLPL believes in the fair handling of personal information. This means:

  • We’ll only collect personal information necessary for us to conduct our normal business.
  • We may use or disclose some of that information for our direct marketing purposes.
  • If the information is to be used for direct marketing purposes, you’ll be given the option of not receiving direct marketing materials.
  • We’ll ensure the information we keep is accurate, complete and secure.
  • You’re entitled to request access to the information we hold in relation to you and to have any inaccuracies corrected.

If you wish to access your personal information we hold, or if you consider we’ve breached our privacy obligations to you, you should contact us immediately using one of the following options:

The Privacy Officer
Marinus Link Pty Ltd.
1-7 Maria Street
Lenah Valley TAS 7008


Should you request access to your personal information we’ll respond to your request as soon as possible.