Whether you operate a commercial fishing business, manage offshore assets, work for an oil or gas company or the government, or use Bass Strait for recreational purposes, this newsletter provides information and updates about Marinus Link that may be relevant to you.
Engaging with our marine and fisheries communities
Marinus Link is a complex project which must go through environmental assessments and planning processes.
Central to progressing this work is engaging with our community and stakeholders, with targeted engagement now underway with the marine and fisheries industry.
We are currently undertaking engagement to support the development of our Social Impact Assessment and Marine Ecology and Resource Use Assessment. Both assessments are required as part of the project’s environmental approval process.
The purpose of the Social Impact Assessment is to understand the potential social consequences of the project. While the Marine Ecology and Resource Use Assessment is intended to identify Marinus Link’s potential impacts to the marine environment and resources.
Our independent consultants are conducting interviews to understand the experiences of our stakeholders. We encourage industry and operators in Bass Strait to get involved and share your feedback with our independent consultants. Feedback will remain anonymous and help inform the detailed development of the project.

Upcoming surveys in Waratah Bay
We will be in the field undertaking geophysical surveys in Waratah Bay this spring.
These surveys will investigate:
- Surface and sub-surface seabed conditions along the proposed cable route; and
- Existing and unknown infrastructure.
Results from these surveys will inform our design and construction methodology and determine if additional surveys will be required in Waratah Bay before construction.
Notifications will be provided prior to these surveys commencing, including a Notice to Mariners.
Surveys were previously done in Waratah Bay. Aside from some beautiful shells, nothing of cultural or environmental significance was found, but further investigation will take place.
Marinus Link: Unlocking Australia’s renewable energy future
How will Marinus Link contribute to the energy transition?
This was a question recently addressed by our CEO, Caroline Wykamp, at the Committee for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA) State of the Nation conference.
The way we generate and distribute electricity across the nation is changing. Global conflict, escalating energy prices and a world-wide movement to counter climate change has resulted in an unprecedented demand for clean energy and the materials we need to generate it.

Australia’s transition to renewables is occurring quickly, and while wind and solar farms produce clean and low-cost power, there can be fluctuations in supply, depending on the weather. As coal energy generators retire, Australia needs access to affordable, ‘on-demand’ electricity and the ability to store energy for long periods.
Marinus Link will provide consistency to the National Electricity Marked (NEM) by improving the two-way transmission of energy between Tasmania and Victoria and unlocking Tasmania’s hydropower storage capability. This will provide more stable, abundant, lower-cost energy than would be the case without Marinus Link.
What lies beneath Bass Strait?
Tasmania wasn’t always an island. Bass Strait was once a land bridge, connecting Tasmania and Victoria during the last glacial period. Aboriginals traversed the ‘Bassian Plain’ for many years before rising sea levels isolated the palawa (Tasmanian Aboriginal) peoples.
Marinus Link has recently undertaken an Underwater Cultural Heritage and Archaeology Assessment in accordance with the requirements and objectives of the Underwater Cultural Heritage Act 2018 (UCH Act) and the respective State heritage laws.

Marinus Link is currently reviewing the findings from this important work. We look forward to sharing these findings in future editions.
Picture right: Marinus Link will cross Bass Strait in a relatively straight line between Heybridge in North West Tasmania and Waratah Bay on Victoria’s south coast.

Why is the identification and protection of underwater cultural heritage important to Marinus Link?
The protection and preservation of underwater cultural heritage (UCH) is important because historical relics allow for a better knowledge and appreciation of past culture, history and science. Understanding and conserving UCH also helps us understand climate change and rising sea levels.
Back in March, Marinus Link participated in the Symposium for Assessment of Submerged Landscapes, held by First Peoples State Relations (Victoria), Heritage Victoria and La Trobe University. It was a fascinating day hearing from lecturers and experts in the field, including Cosmos Corneous from Cosmos Archaeology discussing identification of buried archaeological sites and mitigating impacts.
Answering your questions
Who will be manufacturing and installing the cable in Bass Strait?
Marinus Link released the tender for cables in December 2022. Marinus Link is currently evaluating tender submissions and expects to award a contract in the second half of 2023.
Will there be opportunities for local suppliers, trades and contractors to get involved with construction and delivery of Marinus Link?
There are a range of roles that will become available with Marinus Link and our contractors before and during construction, which is expected to start in 2025.
Opportunities include:
- Occupational Health and Safety supplies and equipment
- Civil contractors
- Traffic management organisations
- Marine operators
- Electricians
- Engineers
- Safety advisors
How do I express my interest to work on Marinus Link?
If you are a supplier:
If you are a supplier and wish to express your interest in supplying to Marinus Link, please email our Procurement Team at procurement@marinuslink.com.au. Please include REGISTER WITH MARINUS LINK in the email subject line.
If you are a contractor:
If you are a contractor wishing to express your interest to work on Marinus Link, please go to the Industry Capability Network (ICN) Gateway for further information on how to register – gateway.icn.org.au/project/4676/project-marinus.
When is construction due to start?
A final investment decision (FID) for Marinus Link is expected to be made at the end of 2024.
Construction of Marinus Link will be delivered in two stages. Stage one is expected to start in early 2025.

What is Marinus Link?
Marinus Link is an underground and undersea electricity and data cable that will further connect Tasmania and Victoria.
The cable will run 255km undersea from North West Tasmania to Waratah Bay in Victoria, then a further 90km underground to the Latrobe Valley. Converter stations at each end will enable alternating current to be directed back and forth as needed into the energy grid.
Marinus Link will have a 1500 megawatt (MW) capacity, equal to the power supply for 1.5 million Australian homes.
Do you have a question for us?
Reach out to our engagement team today by emailing team@marinuslink.com.au