Section 104(4) of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.
Marinus Link (EPBC 2021/9053) – Proposed undersea and underground electricity and telecommunications interconnector between North West Tasmania and the Latrobe Valley in Victoria.

Final Environmental Impact Statement


A delegate of the former Commonwealth Minister for Environment determined in November 2021 that the Marinus Link project (the project) (EPBC 2021/9053) required assessment under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cwth) due to the potential for significant impacts to: Listed threatened species and communities (section 18 & section18A); Listed migratory species (section 20 & section 20A); and the environment of the Commonwealth marine area, or the environment as the proposal would take place in a Commonwealth marine area (section 23 & section 24A).

Marinus Link Pty Ltd (the proponent) prepared a draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the project to address the Commonwealth government’s requirements under the EPBC Act combined with an Environment Effects Statement (EES) to address the Victorian government’s requirements under the Environment Effects Act 1978 (Vic). The combined draft EIS/EES was published for comment on the Marinus Link website from 31 May 2024 to 12 July 2024. During this time, submitters were invited to read and make submissions on the draft EIS under section 103(1)(c) of the EPBC Act.
Following the exhibition of the draft EIS, an Addendum has been prepared which addresses the requirements of section 104(2) of the EPBC Act including taking into account any comments received within the period for comment and provides a summary of any such comments and how these comments have been addressed. The EIS Addendum also provides a summary of additional or updated information provided to the Victorian and Tasmanian regulators to address their assessment requirements and to respond to public submissions, where relevant.

The proponent has subsequently finalised the EIS in accordance with section 104(1) of the EPBC Act. The finalised EIS comprises of the draft EIS and the Addendum to the draft EIS.
This Notice has been prepared in accordance with section 104(4) of the EPBC Act. The submission of the Final EIS the final stage in the assessment of the Commonwealth EPBC Act approval process for Marinus Link project. That the document is closed for public comment.


How to access the final EIS in person

The Addendum will be made available in hard copy at the following locations from Friday, 20 December 2024 through to Monday, 10 February 2025.

  • State Library of Victoria – 328 Swanston Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
  • State Library of Tasmania – 2nd Floor, 91 Murray Street, Hobart TAS 7000
  • Sandy Point Community Centre – Church Parade, Sandy Point VIC 3959
  • Burnie Library – 30 Alexander Street, Burnie TAS 7320
  • Mirboo North Library – 34 Ridgeway, Mirboo North VIC 3871

For those who may have accessibility issues, or where electronic options are impracticable, hard copies of some documents may be requested, by phoning Marinus Link on 1300 765 275 or emailing


If you have any questions regarding the Marinus Link EIS including the Addendum or the EIS process in general, please contact:

Questions about the project and about the EIS documentation including the Addendum

Marinus Link Pty Ltd
Phone: 1300 765 275

Questions relating to the EIS under the EPBC Act

Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
Victoria and Tasmania Assessments Sections
Phone: 1800 920 528