In 2023, Marinus Link re-engaged Ernst and Young (EY) to update previous analysis of Project Marinus’ economic contribution to both Tasmania and Victoria.

The 2023 analysis is an updated and comprehensive consideration of the:

  • Direct and indirect jobs created by Project Marinus, consisting of both stages of Marinus Link and the North West Transmission Developments.
  • Direct effects of an industry (i.e. revenues or output) relevant to both Tasmania and Victoria.
  • Flow-on (‘indirect’ and ‘induced’) effects of construction and operating phases.

Full report The economic contribution of Project Marinus

Key findings


  • Jobs – Stage 1 is expected to support approximately 1,400 additional jobs per year at peak construction – this increases to 1,600 with Stage 2.
  • Economic contribution – Stage 1 is expected to provide over $1.4 Billion in additional economic stimulus in Tasmania, through construction and operation – this increases to $2.1 Billion with Stage 2.


  • Jobs – Stage 1 is expected to support approximately 1,000 additional jobs per year at peak construction – this increases to 1,700 with Stage 2.
  • Economic contribution – Stage 1 is expected to provide over $1 Billion in additional economic stimulus in Victoria, through construction and operation – this increases to $1.8 Billion with Stage 2.

What is “Project Marinus”

Project Marinus comprises both projects’ Marinus Link and the North West Transmission Developments.