December 2019 – April 2020

TasNetworks published the Project Marinus Project Assessment Draft Report (PADR) in early 2020. The PADR takes into account feedback from submissions received during the consultation period following the PSCR’s release.

TasNetworks will be receiving feedback on the PADR over the coming months as part of the RIT-T consultation process, including briefings in Melbourne, Sydney and Hobart in early 2020.

Subsequent to publishing the PADR, additional data files are available which contain detailed information relating to PADR modelling assumptions and results. You can view the PADR files (ZIP file 12MB).

Hourly results of the PADR simulation results are available upon request. Please contact us and we will share a link to download the files (up to 1Gb per .zip). Please state “hourly results request” in the subject. Further explanation of how TasNetworks has used public data in the PADR can be provided on request where reasonably practicable to do so, and where requested for the purpose of understanding PADR modelling in order to participate in the RIT-T consultation process.

A copy of the slides presented at the most recent PADR forum can be found here: PADR forum slides.

In response to stakeholder feedback, TasNetworks publishes this explanatory note regarding computation of benefits and costs for Marinus Link. You can also take a look at the accompanying explainer spreadsheet.

Stakeholder Submissions PADR

TasNetworks has received feedback on the PADR as part of the RIT-T consultation process.

A total of 15 submissions were received, of which two were confidential.
Non-confidential stakeholder submissions are provided below. Responses to this consultation will be summarised in the next stage of Marinus Link investigation.