Marinus Link is supporting the transition away from coal and gas, ensuring customers and businesses have access to the cheapest and most reliable power.
The National Electricity Market (NEM) is changing. Our future market will include more solar and wind power, replacing fossil fuel generation such as coal and gas. Big renewable projects are planned or already underway across Australia. Such a fundamental change in the way we power our towns, businesses and industries requires investment and long-term planning.
Marinus Link will ensure customers and businesses have access to the cheapest, most reliable power.
Without more connection capacity to the mainland, Tasmanians will be locked into sourcing most of their energy from hydropower, which is more expensive than other renewable energy. Marinus Link will give Tasmania access to the cheapest renewable power sources, including solar from the mainland. It will act as a shock absorber through Australia’s transition to net zero carbon emissions.
Marinus Link will support economic growth and stronger, more resilient communities.
Businesses and industries are hungry for reliable, low-cost, carbon-neutral energy. Marinus Link will address vulnerabilities in the supply of energy and data, both of which have experienced serious disruptions in Tasmania in recent years. Marinus Link will have three times the power capacity of Basslink and includes a fibre optic data cable with 150 times the current service to Tasmania.
In the future, Tasmania will have a new pipeline of industry, including hydrogen, data and digital-based industries, advanced manufacturing and innovative startups. Marinus Link will help make this possible, while improving future energy and data security for people in our communities for decades to come.

Marinus Link is an underground and undersea electricity and data cable that will further connect Tasmania and Victoria. The cable will run 255km undersea from North West Tasmania to Waratah Bay, Victoria, then a further 90km underground to the centre of Gippsland. Converter stations at each end will enable alternating current (AC) to be directed back and forth as needed into the energy grid.