Whistleblower Policy

“We are committed to the highest standard of conduct and encourage the disclosure of inappropriate conduct, including potential fraud or corruption.

We operate under a dual system of whistleblower protections at Federal and State level, which have the potential to overlap due to the similarity in the types of disclosures that can be made under each regime:

  • The State regime is governed by the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2002 (Tas); and
  • The Federal regime is established under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).

MLPL’s Whistleblower Policy provides guidance on how to make a disclosure under either regime.

In conjunction with KPMG, MLPL has also established an anonymous FairCall whistleblower service that is accessible to current MLPL employees, as well as broader eligible whistleblowers (such as past employees and family members, and MLPL contractors) under the Federal regime. There are a number of ways to access this service including:

  • Telephone hotline: 1800 500 965
  • FairCall Website: kpmgfaircall.kpmg.com.au/Marinus
  • Australia Post: The FairCall Manager, KPMG Forensic, PO Box H67, Australia Square, Sydney NSW 1213

If you have any concerns or are unclear about our relating to the processes or protections relating to disclosure of inappropriate conduct, please contact the following:

who are eligible recipients of disclosures under both regimes.”