The Marinus Link project (subject to approvals) is proposed to be implemented in two stages, with each stage consisting of one 750 MW HVDC circuit link between Tasmania and Victoria. The Marinus Link Environment Effects Statement under the Environment Effects Act 1978 (Vic) and the Environmental Impact Statement under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) (EIS/EES) has been prepared assuming that both stages would be constructed between 2025-2030.

On 20 May 2024, Marinus Link issued Information Update #1 about the likely timing of Stage 2. Information Update #1 explains that the timing for delivery of Stage 2 will be subject to market demand, with a likely scenario being that Stage 1 would be completed, and the Stage 1 circuit commissioned by 2030 as anticipated, followed by a potential gap in construction so that the Stage 2 circuit is laid and commissioned by 2033. Further detail was provided in Information Update #1.

To ensure any implications of the delivery of Stage 2 later than assumed for the purposes of the EIS/EES are understood and accounted for in the design and implementation of the Marinus Link project, MLPL instructed the technical specialists responsible for the preparation of the technical reports exhibited with the EIS/EES to consider Information Update #1 and prepare a supplementary report. They were asked to identify whether the change in timing would have any material implications for the assessment described in, or conclusions of, their report.

Technical specialists have prepared supplementary reports responding to their instructions. MLPL presents these reports below:

A supplementary report on economic impacts is also being prepared and will be made available when finalised.

Marinus Link presents the above by way of information update. Further detail will be made available on the Marinus Link website through the course of public consultation and decision making on approvals for the Marinus Link project.